This page contains a record of the geometry seminars held at the ULB, starting in September 2015. You can find the schedule for the current semester here.
Note that the seminar was suspended from March 2020 to September 2022 due to the COVID pandemic. At this time it was replaced by the B.O.W.L. on-line seminar, held jointly with geometers from Oxford, Warwick and London.
June 2024
- 17/06/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Sigmundur Gudmundsson
Minimal Submanifolds of Compact Riemannian Symmetric Spaces – The Method of Eigenfamilies
May 2024
- 27/05/2024 17h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Emily Windes (Oregon)
Online talk, but we will meet to watch it together in the seminar room.
Also note the talk was originally planned for the 20th May, but has now been moved to the 27th to avoid a national holiday.
The moduli space of graphical associatives - 21/05/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Note this is on a Tuesday!
Margherita Sandon (Strasburg)
Contact non-squeezing at large scale via generating functions - 13/05/2024 11h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Note the earlier than normal time!
Jake Solomon (Jerusalem)
Title to be announced - 06/05/2024 14h Salle des Profs, 9th floor building NO.
Federico Trinca (University College London)
Associative submanifolds in G2 manifolds with symmetries
April 2024
- 29/04/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Talk cancelled!
Yulia Gorginian (IMPA)
Complex curves in hypercomplex nilmanifolds - 22/04/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Paul Schwahn (Stuttgart)
The infinitesimal Einstein deformations of the complex Grassmannians and rigidity of the Einstein metrics - 15/04/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Amanda Hirschi (Paris)
Global Kuranishi charts for moduli spaces of stable pseudoholomorphic maps - 08/04/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Shuhan Jiang (Max Planck Leipzig)
Generalized Seiberg-Witten functional
March 2024
- 25/03/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Gilles Carron (Nantes)
Kato meets Bakry-Emery - 18/03/2024 13h30 PLEASE NOTE THE UNUSUAL TIME! Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Gérard Besson (Grenoble)
Finiteness Theorems for Gromov-Hyperbolic Groups - 11/03/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Eveline Legendre (Lyon)
The Einstein-Hilbert functional in Kähler geometry - 04/03/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Saman Esfahani (Duke)
On the Donaldson-Scaduto conjecture
February 2024
- 26/02/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Guillem Cazasus (Oxford)
Extending down Donaldson-Floer theory - 12/02/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Thorsten Hertl (Freiburg)
On Homotopy Groups of (Observer) Moduli Spaces of G2 Manifolds
January 2024
- 30/01/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Note this is on Tuesday!
Shubhum Dwivedi (Berlin and Hamburg)
Title to be announced - 22/01/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Franc Forstnerič (Ljubljana)
Minimal surfaces with symmetries - 15/01/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Baptiste Chantraîne (Nantes)
Product structure in locally conformally symplectic geometry
- 08/01/2024 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO.
Alan Pinoy (Stockholm)
The geometry at infinity of asymptotically locally complex hyperbolic almost Hermitian manifolds
December 2023
- 18/12/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Rémi Reboulet (Chalmers, Gothenberg)
Title to be announced - 04/12/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Michael Bleher (Heidelberg)
Haydys-Witten instantons in the gauge theoretic approach to Khovanov Homology
November 2023
- 27/11/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Laurence Mayther (Cambridge)
New h-Principles in [split]G2, Symplectic and Contact Geometry - 21/11/2023 17h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Benoit Charbonneau (Waterloo)
Maple for differential geometry - 20/11/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Benoit Charbonneau (Waterloo)
Symmetric instantons
October 2023
- 30/10/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Alejandro Gil Garcia (Hamburg)
Complete cohomogeneity one quaternionic Kähler manifolds - 23/10/202314h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Lorenzo Foscolo (University College London)
Yang-Mills instantons and codimension-1 collapse - 16/10/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Pranav Chakravarthy (ULB)
Homotopy type of equivariant symplectomorphisms of rational ruled surfaces - 09/10/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Anya Nordskova (Hasselt)
Banach’s problem in dimension 4
June 2023
- 06/06/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Ruadhaí Dervan (Glasgow)
Singular Kähler-Einstein metrics and stability
May 2023
- 23/05/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Jin Li (Freiburg)
On the geometry of resolutions of G2-conifolds - 02/05/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Ragini Singhal (Berlin)
Deformation theory of nearly G2 manifolds
April 2023
- 25/04/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. David Tewodrose (Nantes)
Critical metrics of eigenvalue functionals via Clarke subdifferential - 18/04/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Andrea Seppi (Grenoble)
Maximal submanifolds in pseudo-hyperbolic space and applications
March 2023
- 21/03/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Kirill Krasnov (Nottingham)
Lorentzian Cayley Form - 14/03/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Stefan Nemirovski (Bochum and Moscow)
Legendrian submanifolds and causality - 07/03/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Ursula Hamenstäddt (Bonn)
Stability of Einstein metrics and applications
February 2023
- 28/02/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Nathaniel Sagman (Luxembourg).
Hitchin representations and minimal surfaces - 14/02/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Russell Avdek (Uppsala).
Holomorphic curves near convex hypersurfaces - 07/02/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Richard Wentworth (Maryland).
Conformal limits of parabolic Higgs bundles
January 2023
- 31/01/2023 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Jack Smith (Cambridge).
Generating the Fukaya category via enriched coefficients
December 2022
- 15/12/2022. 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Eva Miranda (Barcelona).
Two sides of a mirror
November 2022
- 29/11/2022. 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Alex Oancea (Strasbourg)
Loop product and coproduct in symplectic topology and string topology - 22/11/2022. 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Vestislav Apostolov (Nantes and Montreal)
A Calabi type problem in generalized Kahler geometry - 16/11/2022. 14h online on Teams. Jakob Stein (London)
New G2-instantons on non-compact G2-manifolds with symmetries - 15/11/2022. 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Hartmut Weiss (Kiel)
Parabolic Higgs bundles and gravitational instantons - 14/11/2022. 17h30 online on Teams. Izar Alonso (Oxford)
Balanced SU(3)-structures and coclosed G_2-structures in cohomogeneity one manifolds - 08/11/2022. 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Andries Salm (London)
Construction of gravitational instantons of type ALG* and ALH*
October 2022
- 18/10/2022. 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Diptaishik Choudhury (Luxembourg)
Constant mean curvature surfaces in quasi-Fuchsian manifolds and Hamiltonian paths in cotangent space of Teichmüller space - 11/10/2022. 14h Salle des Profs, 9th floor building NO. Claude Viterbo (Paris)
The Humiliere completion of Lagrangian submanifolds - 04/10/2022. 14h Salle des Profs 9th floor building NO. Gard Helle (Oslo)
Equivariant instanton Floer homology and computations for spherical space forms
September 2022
- 28/09/2022. 19h online on Teams. Gorapada Bera (Humboldt Berlin)
Associatives in twisted connected sums of G_2 manifolds - 20/09/2022. 14h Salle des Profs, 9th floor building NP. Simone Gutt (ULB)
Almost complex structures, transverse complex structures, and associated Dolbeault cohomologies
March 2020
- 17/03/20. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Daniel Greb (Universität Duisburg-Essen). Projectively flat sheaves and characterisations of finite quotients of projective spaces.
- 03/03/20. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Louis Merlin (Université du Luxembourg). TBA.
February 2020
- 28/02/20. 11h. Warning: unusual day and room. Salle N 08.08, 8th floor, building NO. Mircea Petrache (PUC Santiago). Uniform measures and manifolds all of whose curvatures are constant.
- 18/02/20. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Yann Rollin (Université de Nantes). Construction of polyhedral Lagrangian surfaces and moment maps.
January 2020
- 21/01/20. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Marvin Dippell (University of Würzburg). Deformation of Coisotropic Algebras.
December 2019
- 17/12/19. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Hanne Van Den Bosch (Universidad de Chile). Dirac operators describing Graphene Quantum Dots.
- 10/12/19. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Marine Fontaine (University of Antwerp). Braids in the N-body problem by cabling a body in a central configuration.
- 3/12/19. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Ruadhai Dervan (University of Cambridge). Optimal symplectic connections on holomorphic submersions.
November 2019
- 26/11/19. WARNING! Double bill. 10h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Cédric De Groote (Max Planck institute, Leipzig). Orderability up to conjugation of certain open contact manifolds
11h15 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Sobhan Seyfaddini (Université Paris Diderot). Barcodes and Hamiltonian homeomorphisms. - 19/11/19. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Melanie Theilliere (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1). Convex Integration without Integration.
October 2019
- 15/10/19. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Benjamin Sibley (ULB). Compactifcations of Hermitian-Yang-Mills moduli space and the Yang-Mills flow on projective manifolds.
- 8/10/19. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Nicolas Marque (Université Paris Diderot). Bubbling phenomenons for Willmore surfaces.
- 1/10/19. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Dmytro Yeroshkin (ULB). Manifolds with Density and Measure.
September 2019
- 24/09/19. 11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Juan Criado del Rey (KU Leuven). Minimal energy configurations on compact manifolds.
July 2019
- 09/07/19. 14h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Brian Weber (University of Pennsylvania). Potential theory and first order equations on degenerating 4-manifolds.
June 2019
- 26/06/19. Warning! Unusual day AND time. 10h-11h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Claude LeBrun (Stony Brook University). Einstein Metrics, Harmonic Forms, and Conformally Kähler Geometry
- 11/06/19. Warning! Unusual time. 11h30-12h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Felix Schlenk (Université de Neuchâtel). Manning’s inequality for Finsler and Reeb flows
May 2019
- 7/05/19.13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Matthias Meiwes (University of Tel-Aviv, Israel)
Topological entropy and Hofer’s metric
April 2019
- 30/04/19.13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Alessandra Pluda (Universitat Regensburg, Germany)
Motion by curvature of networks: analysis of singularities and “restarting” theorems - 2/04/19.13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Stefano Borghini (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Static vacuum spacetimes with positive cosmological constant - Warning! Unusual day and time! 1/04/19.14h-15h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Angela Pasquale (Université de Lorraine, France)
Resonances of the Laplacian on products of rank-one symmetric spaces
March 2019
- Warning! Unusual room! 19/03/19.13h30-14h30 Salle OF2070. Tristan Ozuch-Meersseman (ENS Paris, France)
Noncollapsed degeneration of Einstein 4-manifolds - 12/03/19.13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Stéphane Launois (University of Kent, UK)
February 2019
- Warning! Unusual time 26/02/19.14h-15h Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Mariel Saez (PUC, Chile)
On the uniqueness of graphical mean curvature flow - Warning! Unusual day Monday 25/02/19. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Yanir Rubinstein (University of Maryland)
Differential, algebraic, and convex geometry arising from asymptotic positivity - 19/02/19: no geometry seminar will be held this day because of the London-Brussels geometry seminar, see the dedicated webpage
- 12/02/19.13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Giona Veronelli (Université Paris 13)
Distance-like functions on Riemannian manifolds
January 2019
- 29/01/19. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO.Yannick Herfray (ULB)
Conformally invariant geodesics in asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds - 22/01/19. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Ralph Klaasse (ULB)
Poisson structures of divisor-type and symplectic Lie algebroids - 15/01/19. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, building NO. Matthias Schötz (ULB)
Singular points in non-formal deformation quantization
December 2018
- 18/12/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, 9th floor, Buildig NO. Cedric de Groote (Stanford University)
TBA - 04/12/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Gilles Carron (University of Nantes, France)
A Bonnet-Myers theorem under a spectral condition
November 2018
- 27/11/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Vincent Beck (University of Tours, France)
Compact flat manifolds constructed from complex reflection groups
September 2018
- 25/09/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Weiyi Zhang (Warwick University, UK)
From smooth to almost complex
June 2018
- 19/06/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Romain Pétrides (Paris Diderot University, France)
Romain’s seminar, initially planned for the 5th of June, has been moved to the 19th
Min-Max construction for free boundary minimal disks
May 2018
- 22/05/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Giovanni Catino (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Einstein metrics and Ricci solitons - 08/05/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Plinio Murillo (Universität Bern, Switzerland)
On arithmetic manifolds with large systole
April 2018
- 24/04/18. Double bill!
11h-12h Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Milena Pabiniak (University of Cologne, Germany)
Understanding the contactomorphism group of lens spaces via a non-linear Maslov index
13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Viviana del Barco (UNICAMP, Brasil and Université Paris Sud, France)
Hermitian geometry of real flag manifolds - 15/04/18: Milena Pabiniak’s talk, initially planned for the 15th of April, has been moved to the 24th of April.
- 03/04/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Will Merry (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Title to be confirmed
March 2018
- 27/03/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Jason Lotay (University College London)
Remarks on the self-shrinking Clifford torus - 13/03/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Bulk-deformed augmentations do not correspond to sheaves - 06/03/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Steven Sivek (Imperial College London, UK)
SU(2)-cyclic surgeries and the pillowcase
February 2018
- 20/02/18. 11h-12h Salle Solvay, 9th floor, building NO. Double bill this Tuesday
Alvaro de Pino Gómez (Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Overtwisted Engel structures - 20/02/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Michael Singer (University College London, United Kingdom)
Asymptotic geometry of monopole moduli space and the Sen Conjecture - 13/02/18. Unusual time 13h15-14h15 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Matthias Schötz (University of Würzburg, Germany)
From non-formal, non-C* deformation quantization to abstract O*-algebras - 08/02/18. 11h-12h Note unusual day and time! Salle de Profs, 9th floor building NO.
Yi Li (Luxembourg)
Local curvature estimates for Ricci-harmonic flow - 06/02/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Dmitri Panov (Kings College London, United Kingdom)
Circle invariant symplectic hypersurfaces in dimension 6 and the Fano condition.
January 2018
- 30/01/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Alberto Raffero (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Symplectic half-flat 6-manifolds and the Laplacian G_2-flow - 23/01/18. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Gaël Meigniez (Université Bretagne Sud)
Quasi-complementary foliations and the Mather-Thurston Theorem
December 2017
- 19/12/17. 13h30-14h30 Note unusual room! Room P.2NO.708, 7th floor, building NO.
Hông Van Lê (Czech Academy of Science, Prague)
Novikov homology and Novikov fundamental groups - 12/12/17. Double bill!
13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Alix Deruelle (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
Expanders of the harmonic map flow
14h45-15h45 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Eleonora Di Nezza (IHES, France)
Complex Monge-Ampère equations with prescribed singularities - 07/12/17. Note unusual day and room! 13h30-14h30 Salle P.2NO.708, 7th floor, building NO.
Maÿlis Limouzineau (University of Cologne, Germany)
Constructions of Legendrian cobordisms and generating functions - 5/12/17. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Reto Buzano (Queen Mary University, London, UK)
The moduli spaces of two-convex embedded spheres and tori
November 2017
- 24/11/17. 10h30-11h30 Note unusual day and time! Room to be confirmed.
Vincent Colin (Nantes, France)
Topological entropy of the Reeb vector field - 23/11/17. Note unusual day! 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
César Lecoutre (ULB)
A new family of Poisson algebras and their deformations - 16/11/17. 13h30-14h30 Unforunately, Kai Cieliebak has had to cancel his visit because of a broken foot.
String topology and perturbative Chern-Simons theory - 14/11/17. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Cristiano Spotti (Aarhus, Denmark)
Kähler-Einstein metrics via moduli continuity method. - 14/11/17. 14h45-15h45 Double bill this Tuesday! Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Timothée Marquis (UCL, Belgium)
On continuous one-parameter subgroups of Kac-Moody groups
October 2017
- 24/10/17. 13h30-14h30, Salle des Profs, 9th floor, Building NO.
Lorenz Swachhöffer (TU Dortmund, Germany)
Parametrized measure models - 10/10/17. 10h30-11h30, Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Ryosuke Takahashi (Tohoku, Japan)
A new parabolic flow approach to the Kähler-Einstein problem.
September 2017
- 19/09/17. 13h30-14h30, Salle de Profs, 9th floor, building NO.
Hsuan-Yi Liao (Penn State, USA)
Formality theorem for Lie pairs
June 2017
- 20/06/17. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Ben Sibley (Simons Center, New York)
A complex analytic structure on the compactification of the moduli space of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections on a projective manifold. - 07/06/17. 10h30-11h30 Please note unusual day! Room to be confirmed
Daniele Angella (Firenze)
Special metrics on complex manifolds.
May 2017
- 30/05/17. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Sonja Hohloch (Antwerp)
Hyperkähler Floer homology - 23/05/17. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Giovanni Mascellani (Pisa)
Fourth-order geometric flows on manifolds with boundary - 16/05/2017. 11h-12h Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Stefan Waldmann (Univ. Würzburg)
Poisson structures and star products from Drinfel’d twist - 02/05/17. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Ralph Klaasse (Utrecht)
Constructing A-symplectic structures.
March 2017
- 21/03/17. 14h00-15h00 Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Andriy Haydys (Bielefield)
Isolated singularities of affine special Kähler metrics in two dimensions. - 14/03/17. 13h30-14h30 Room to be confirmed.
Olivier Elchinger
Perturbation of formality for universal enveloping algebras
February 2017
- 28/02/17. Double bill!
11h00-12h00 NO8.08, floor 8, building NO.
Dmitry Tonkonog (Uppsala)
Refined curve counts for immersed Lagrangians, with applications13h30-14h30 NO8.08, floor 8, building NO.
Geogrios Dimitroglou Rizell (Uppsala)
The wrapped Fukaya category of a Weinstein manifold is generated by the Lagrangian cocore discs. - 14/02/17. Double bill!
11h00-12h00 Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Nikon Kurnosov (Moscow)
Absolutely trianalytic tori in hyperkähler manifolds.13h30-14h30 O8.08, floor 8, building NO.
Dima Panov (King’s College London)
Real line arrangements with Hirzberuch property. - 8/02/17. 13h30-14h30 Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Liviu Ornea (Bucharest)
The canonical foliation of a Vaisman manifold.
January 2017
- 24/01/17. 13h30-14h30 Salle de Solvay, floor 5, building NO.
Oliver Fabert (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
The Arnold conjecture in infinite dimensions.
December 2016
- 12/12/16. 13h30-18h00. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Workshop in differential geometry.
An afternoon of talks. For more details see this page.
November 2016
- 15/11/16. 11am-12pm. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Katya Amerik (Paris Sud – Orsay)
On the characteristic foliation of a smooth divisor in a holomorphic symplectic manifold. - 16/11/16. 13h30-14h30. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Vladimir Fock
Teichmüller space as an example of a cluster variety. - 29/11/16. 11am-12pm. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Kael Dixon (ULB)
Ambitoric 4-manifolds.
October 2016
- 4/10/16. 11am-12pm. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Zakarias Dyrefelt (Toulouse)
K-stability of constant scalar curvature Kähler manifolds - 11/10/16. Double bill!
2pm-3pm. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Al Kasprzyck (Nottingham)
The combinatorics of mirror symmetry.
3.30pm-4.30pm. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Lorenz Schwachhöfer (Dortmund)
Cohomological invariants of G2 and Spin(7) manifolds. - 18/10/16. 2pm-3pm. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Jean-Marc Schlenker (Luxembourg)
The renormalized volume of quasifuchsian manifolds. - 25/10/16. 11am-12pm. Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Joeri Van der Veken (Leuven)
Lagrangian submanifolds of the homogeneous nearly Kähler S^3 x S^3
September 2016
- 21/09/16. 2pm-3pm Salle des Profs, floor 9, building NO.
Damien Gayet (Grenoble)
Percolation of random nodal domains
June 2016
- 14/06/16. 14h-15h Salle de Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Stefan Waldmann (Univ. Würzburg)
An explicit construction of Drinfel’d twists
May 2016
- 24/05/16. 14h-15h. Salle de Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Alex Waldron (Stony Brook, New York).
Four-dimensional Yang-Mills flow.
March 2016
- 01/03/16. 14h-15h. Salle de Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Vincent Humilière (Jussieu, Paris).
A C^0 counter-example to the Arnold conjecture.
February 2016
- 16/02/16. 14h-15h. Salle de Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Thibaut Delcroit (Grenoble).
Kähler-Einstein metrics on group compactifications.
January 2016
- 26/01/16. 14h-15h. Salle de Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Éveline Legendre (University of Toulouse).
The Hilbert-Einstein functional and the Sasaki-Futaki invariant. - 27/01/16. 10h-11h. Salle de Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Please note the unusual day and time!
Liviu Ornea (University of Bucharest).
Recent results in locally conformally symplectic geometry.
December 2015
- 1/12/2015 14h-15h. Salle des Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Michael Khanevsky (ULB)
Hofer’s metric and length specturm of symplectic surfaces - 8/12/15 Double bill!
14h-15h. Salle des Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Roland Abuaf (IHES Paris)
Hyperkahler categories.
15h15-16h15. Salle des Profs 9th floor of building NO.
Ljudmila Kamenova (Stony Brook, New York)
On Kobayashi’s pseudometric of compact complex manifolds
November 2015
- 3/11/15 14h-15h. O8.08, 8th floor of building NO.
Marco Zambon (KU Leuven)
Multisymplectic manifolds, homotopy moment maps, and conserved quantities. - 5/11/15 14h-15h, O8.08, 8th floor of building NO.
Kirill Krasnov (Nottingham)
A gauge-theoretic formalism for gravity. - 10/11/15 14h-15h. O8.08, 8th floor of building NO.
Nikon Kurnosov (Moscow)
Betti numbers of hyperkähler manifolds. - 17/11/15 14h-15h. Salle des Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Hugues Auvray (Paris Sud, Orsay)
Extremal metrics of Poincaré type: asymptotic properties
October 2015
- 12/10/15 14h-15h. Salle des Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Liviu Ornea (University of Bucharest).
CR manifolds in locally conformally Kähler geometry - 20/10/15 14h-15h. O8.08, 8th floor of building NO.
Benoît Daniel (Université de Lorraine)
Minimal isometric immersions into $latex S^2\times \mathbf{R}$ and $latex H^2 \times \mathbf{R}$. - 27/10/15 14h-15h O8.08, 8th floor of building NO.
Dmitri Panov (Kings College)
Spherical metrics with conical singularities on $latex S^2$.
September 2015
- 15/09/15 15h-16h. Salle des Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
François Laudenbach (Université de Nantes).
A doubling phenomenon in Morse-Novikov homology. - 29/09/15 14h-15h. Salle des Profs, 9th floor of building NO.
Jason Lotay (University College London)
The Laplacian flow in G2 geometry