Lucas Ambrozio will talk on 25th January at 2pm UK time, 3pm Belgian time. Lucas’s title is “Analogues of Zoll surfaces in minimal surface theory” and his abstract is below.
Read more about 25-01-22Lucas Ambrozio (IMPA)Main Content
B. O. W. L.
An online geometry seminar run by the groups in Brussels, Oxford, Warwick and London.
Click to see up-coming talks
Taking Part
Talks are typically scheduled every other Tuesdays, at 2pm UK time or 3pm Belgian time.
Mailing list
Join the mailing list to be kept up-to-date with the schedule.
Talks online
The talks will take place on-line, via Zoom. The link will be sent to the mailing list in the days before the talk.
Mute Your Microphone
Once the talk has started, please remember to mute your microphone.
Ask a question
To ask a question, you can either raise your hand via Zoom, or mention it in the chat.
After party!
We hope to have a virtual cup of tea or coffee together after the talk, if you want to stay to discuss more with the speaker.

15-02-22Tristan Ozuch (MIT)
Tristan Ozuch will talk on 15th Februray at 2pm UK time, 3pm Belgian time. Tristan’s title is “Weighted versions of scalar curvature, mass and spin geometry for Ricci flows” and his abstract is below.
Read more about 15-02-22Tristan Ozuch (MIT)
22-03-22Mikhail Karpukhin (Caltech)
Mikhail Karpukhin will talk on 22nd March at 2pm UK time, 3pm Belgian time. Mikhail’s title is “Optimization of Laplace and Steklov eigenvalues with applications to minimal surfaces” and his abstract is below.
Read more about 22-03-22Mikhail Karpukhin (Caltech)Mailing List
To keep up-to-date with the schedule, and to receive the Zoom link for each talk, you can subscribe to the B.O.W.L. mailing list by sending an email to Lorenzo Foscolo.