geometry seminar
Day-long geometry seminars with three talks on a common theme
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The seminar involves geometers from the Université libre de Bruxelles and the following London colleges:
University College, King's College, Queen Mary's College, and Imperial College.
Brussels-London XXIII
Minimal surfaces
Université Libre de Bruxelles, 22nd January 2025
The talks will take place in the mathematics department of the Université libre de Bruxelles. The department is in building NO, marked on this map. The campus can be reached by public transport via the metro station "Delta" (line 5) and buses 71, 72 and 95. The talks will be held in the Salle Solvay, on the 5th floor of NO.
The event will begin with lunch, which is free for all registered attendees. It is a buffet, which begins at 12.00. It will take place at the restaurant of the "Maison des Anciens". This is very close to building NO, marked UAE on the campus map. (To reach it you need to be above the FORUM.)
Most international visitors will arrive at Gare du Midi (where the Eurostar and Thalys terminals are). From here the easiest route to the ULB is by metro. Take line 2 or 6 in the direction "Elisabeth", and change at "Arts-Loi" for line 5, direction "Hermann Debroux", which will stop at "Delta". The journey should take approximately 30 minutes.
To attend this event, you should register in advance.
1.30 Isabel Fernández
3.00 Giada Franz
4.30 Anna Skorobogatova
Isabel Fernández. Free Boundary Minimal Annuli in the Ball.
We will review some recent results in the theory of free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball in R3, and we will show the existence of a family of immersed, non rotational, free boundary minimal annuli. Their existence answers in the negative a problem of the theory that dates back to Nitsche in 1985, who claimed that such annuli could not exist. Joint work with Laurent Hauswirth and Pablo Mira.
Giada Franz. Free boundary minimal surfaces with low topological types in the unit ball.
A free boundary minimal surface (FBMS) in the three-dimensional Euclidean unit ball is a critical point of the area functional with respect to variations that constrain its boundary to the boundary of the ball (i.e., the unit sphere). Nitsche proved in 1985 that the equatorial disc is the only FBMS in the ball which is topologically a disc. It is then natural to ask what are the examples of FBMS with higher topology. In this talk, we will discuss recent existence results, which give a rather complete picture for low topological types (i.e. when the genus is less than one and the number of boundary components is less than two). Uniqueness results are still widely open.
Anna Skorobogatova. Regularity for semilinear variational problems with a topological constraint.
I will discuss the regularity of solutions to a class of semilinear free boundary problems in which admissible functions have a topological constraint, or spanning condition, on their 1-level set. This constraint forces the 1-level set, which is a free boundary, to behave like a surface with singularities, attached to a fixed boundary frame, in the spirit of the set-theoretic Plateau problem. Two such free boundary problems that have been well-studied are the minimization of capacity among surfaces sharing a common boundary and an Allen-Cahn approximation of the set-theoretic Plateau problem. We establish optimal Lipschitz regularity for solutions, and analytic regularity for the free boundaries away from a codimension two singular set. We further characterize the singularity models for these problems as conical critical points of the minimal capacity problem, which are closely related to spectral optimal partition and segregation problems. This is joint work with Mike Novack and Daniel Restrepo.
Previous Brussels-London seminars
Click on the seminar names to see the speakers, titles and abstracts. During the pandemic from mid 2020 until 2022, the BL seminar was replaced by the Brussels-Oxford-London-Warwick online seminar.
Brussels-London XXI-present
Brussels-London XI-XX
- BL XX: Symplectic geometry
- BL XIX: Ricci flow
- BL XVII: Willmore energy
- BL XVII: Conformal geometry
- BL XVI: Geometric analysis on metric spaces
- BL XV: Teichmüller theory and hyperbolic geometry
- BL XIV: Riemannian geometry
- BL XIII: General relativity
- BL XII: Asymptotic geometry of Riemannian manifolds
- BL XI: Geometric flows
Brussels-London I-X
- BL X: Low dimensional topology
- BL IX: Gauge theory
- BL VIII: Lower bounds on Ricci curvature
- BL VII: Geometric group theory
- BL VI: Part of the British Mathematical Colloquium
- BL V: Einstein metrics
- BL IV: Hyperkähler manifolds
- BL III: Complex geometry
- BL II: Symplectic and algebraic geometry
- BL I: Geometric analysis
Scientific committee
The organisers of the Brussels-London geometry seminar are Joel Fine (ULB), Aleksander Doan (University College London) and Huy The Nguyen (Queen Mary's University London).
In addition to the organisers, the scientific committee includes:
- Mélanie Bertelson (Université libre de Bruxelles)
- Lorenzo Foscolo (Università di Roma, Sapienza)
- Andriy Haydys (Université libre de Bruxelles)
- Jason Lotay (University of Oxford)
- Reto Buzano (Università di Torino)
- Dmitri Panov (King's College, London)
- Bruno Premoselli (Université libre de Bruxelles)
- Felix Schulze (University of Warwick)
- Michael Singer (University College, London)
- Guiseppe Tinaglia (King's College, London)
The seminar is supported by the London Mathematical Society, the FNRS and the Excellence of Science programme. Thanks to this support, there is funding to help graduate students and postdocs attend this seminar. If you are based in London, please contact Aleksander Doan. If you are based in Brussels, please contact Joel Fine.
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