On December 14-16 there will be a conference held here at the ULB dedicated to contact and symplectic geometry, and in particular developments around the recent work of Eliashberg-Murphy-Strom on flexibility and contact structures in all dimensions. [Read more…]
End of year geometry conference at Kings College London
There will be a geometry conference at Kings College London, 14th-18th December. More information can be found at their website. [Read more…]
80th birthday conference for Michel Cahen
Michel Cahen, professor of differential geometry at the ULB, turned 80 this year, and there will be a conference organised to celebrate his contributions both to mathematics in general and to mathematical life here in Brussels. [Read more…]
First geometry seminar of term, 15/09/15
A doubling phenomenon in Morse-Novikov homology.
François Laudenbach (Université de Nantes).
The first geometry seminar of the term takes place at 3pm on 15th September, in the Salle Solvay, on the 5th floor of building NO. Please note this is both a different room and time than normal! The speaker is François Laudenbach from Nantes and his abstract is as follows. [Read more…]