Our very own Simone Gutt will restart the geometry seminar after a very long break caused by the COVID pandemic. Her talk is on 09/20/2022, with the title “Almost complex structures, transverse complex structures, and associated Dolbeault cohomologies”. Her abstract is below.
[Read more…]Claude Viterbo to talk in the geometry seminar, 11-10-2022
Claude Viterbo (Paris Saclay) will talk in the differential geometry seminar on the 11th October, at 2pm, in the Salle Debever. Claude’s title is “The Humiliere completion of Lagrangian submanifolds” and his abstract is below.
[Read more…]Introducing B.O.W.L. a new on-line geometry seminar
Together with geometry groups from Oxford, Warwick and London we have started a new on-line geometry seminar series, called B.O.W.L. The talks will take place via Zoom, on Tuesdays at 2.45pm (Belgian time). To receive the link you should join the B.O.W.L. mailing list.
You can find out more about the seminar, including the scheduled talks and information on the organisers, from the seminar web-page.
Brussels-London XXI – save the date!
The date of the 21st Brussels-London seminar has been fixed. It will take place at University College London on the 23rd April, on the theme of “algebraic geometry”. The speakers will be announced shortly.
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