Thibaut Delcroit (Grenoble) will talk in the geometry seminar on the 16th February. The talk will be at 2pm in the Salle de Profs (9th floor, building NO). His title is “Kähler-Einstein metrics on group compactifications” and his abstract is below. [Read more…]
Postdoc position available in algebraic geometry in Nice
Below is a message from Christian Pauly advertising a postdoc post in algebraic geometry in Nice.
Dear colleagues,
A post-doctoral appointment is offered for a researcher in algebraic geometry having completed a PhD within the last 6 years. The candidate is expected to work on a topic related to moduli spaces of vector bundles and/or Higgs bundles. The place of work will be the Laboratoire J.-A.
Dieudonné of the Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.The appointment will be for 12 months, starting in September 2016 or before (the starting date will be agreed with the candidate). The monthly salary is around 2300 Euros and there are no teaching duties.
Applications should be sent to me by e-mail. They should include a CV, a short description of past research highlighting the most important results and a research project.
The deadline for application is the 1st of March 2016. All candidates will be informed by March the 31st 2016 of the final decision.
Best regards,
Christian PaulyLaboratoire J.-A. Dieudonné
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
06108 Nice Cedex 02, France
Postdoc in algebraic geometry in Oslo
Below is a message from John Christian Ottem, concerning a postdoc position available in Oslo.
Dear colleagues,
A 3-year postdoc position in algebraic geometry is available at the University of Oslo with starting date around September 1st 2016. The position has no teaching duties and comes with a competitive salary and research support. The supporting grant for the position is part of the project ‘Positivity and geometry of higher codimension subvarieties” funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
The deadline for applications is February 16th 2016.
More details can be found at this web page.
For more information, please feel free to contact me.
Please pass this information on to anyone who you think might be interested.
Best wishes,
John Christian Ottem
Summer School in Low Dimensional Topology, 4-8 July 2016
Below is a message from Andras Stipsicz, advertising a summer school in Low Dimensional Topology, July 4-8, 2016, to be held in Hungary.
Dear Collegue,
I would like to draw your attention to the Summer School we organize
at the Central European University in the week of July 4-8, 2016.The topic of the Summer School is ‘Low Dimensional Topology’, and the
lectures are aimed on the level of interested graduate students and
recent post-doctoral fellows.More information can be found on the web page.
Please spread this information to those potentially interested in
participating.With best regards
Andras Stipsicz
Renyi Institute of Mathematics
Budapest, HUNGARY
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