The geometry group at the ULB is looking to employ a postdoctoral researcher specialising in geometric analysis. The position is for three years, starting on or before 1st September 2017. The position is funded by the ERC consolidator grant “SymplecticEinstein”, and the successful candidate will be expected to collaborate with Joel Fine on the goals of this project, along side pursuing their own research interests.
The project aims to explore connections between certain Einstein metrics in dimension 4 and the symplectic geometry of their twistor spaces. The various sub-projects involve the following areas, where previous experience would be helpful, but not essential:
- asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
- J-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds
- minimal surfaces
- geometric flows
Candidates should send the following documents in a single email to Joel Fine:
- CV, including the names of three referees
- A report on research accomplished (2 pages max)
- An outline of an independent research project (2 pages max)
Candidates must also ask their three referees to send their letters of support directly to Joel Fine.
All documents, including reference letters, must arrive by the deadline of 1st January 2017.