Gilles Carron (Nantes) will give the geometry seminar at 2pm on25th March in the Salle des Profs (9th floor building NO). Gilles title is “Kato meets Bakry-Emery” and his abstract is below.
This is a joint work with Ilaria Mondello and David Tewodrose. In 1985, Bakry and Emery have introduced a curvature condition for Weighted Riemannian manifold generalizing the lower bound on the Ricci curvature. This Bakry-Emery curvature have been extensively studied and have lead to the notion of synthetic lower bound on Ricci curvature for metric measure space by J.Lott-C.Villani et K-T. Sturm.
The Kato condition for the Ricci curvature is a weakening of the lower Ricci bound condition. With Ilaria Mondello and David Tewodrose, we have investigated limit of Riemannian manifold with such a Kato condition. Recently using a change times in Brownian motion, we have highlighted a relationship between the Kato condition and the Bakry-Emery condition. I will explain these conditions and this relationship and its potential usefulness.