Frieder Jäckel (Bonn) will talk in the geometry seminar on 10th March, at 2pm in the Salles des Profs (9th floor building NO). Frieder’s title is “The pressure metric on quasi-Fuchsian space” and his abstract is below. Frieder has also kindly agreed to give a “pre-talk” explaining some of the background. This will take place on 10th March at 10am in the Salle Debever (7th floor building NO). The pre-talk title is “A first glimpse into Teichmüller theory and hyperbolic dynamics” and the abstract for that is also below.
The pressure metric on quasi-Fuchsian space.
We show that the pressure metric on quasi-Fuchsian space, a
moduli space of certain hyperbolic 3-manifolds, has finite diameter, and
explain why this is surprising. The talk is based on joint work with U.
Hamenstädt, E. Fioravanti and Y. Zhang.
A first glimpse into Teichmüller theory and hyperbolic dynamics
We introduce Teichmüller space and state some of its basic
properties. Moreover, in case the audience is interested, I will discuss
some very basic results from the field of dynamical systems. The material
in this talk should be helpful to understand the talk “The pressure metric
on quasi-Fuchsian space” in the geometry seminar, though it is not
strictly required.