On Tuesday 28th February we will have a double bill in our geometry seminar. The first talk will be given by Dmitri Tonkonog at 11h-12h, in Room O8.08 of building NO. His title is “Refined curve counts for immersed Lagrangians, with applications” and his abstract is below. The second talk is given by Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell at 13h30-14h30, in the same room. Georgios’s title is “The wrapped Fukaya category of a Weinstein manifold is generated by the Lagrangian cocore discs” and that link will take you to his abstract.
One of the simplest open Gromov-Witten invariants is the count of holomorphic Maslov index 2 disks with boundary on a smooth Lagrangian submanifold. I will explain a “refined way” to count such disks on an immersed Lagrangian, focussing on dimension 4, and the surrounding context of local mirror symmetry. As an application of refined disk counts, I will exhibit Lagrangian Whitney spheres in CP2 which are Hamiltonian non-displaceable from the complex line. This is joint work in progress with G. Dimitroglou Rizell and T. Ekholm.