There will be a workshop on Positivity in Algebraic and Complex Geometry held in Edinburgh, in April 2017. The announcement from the organisers is below.
First Announcement
Positivity in Algebraic and Complex Geometry
ICMS Edinburgh
April, 24th – April 28th, 2017.Organisers:
- Daniel Greb
- Sándor Kovács
- Alex Küronya
- Julius Ross
This is an early announcement of the above workshop. We are interested in hearing from researchers and graduate students working in this area who are interested in attending. Please note that spaces may be limited so if there is a large positive response we may need to be selective. Also, at this stage most of our funding has been allocated, but more may become available in the future.
Should you be interested in this workshop please email Julius Ross with the information below:
Required information:
- Name
- Work
- webpage (or name of institution if you do not have one)
- Please say if you require funding or are able to self-fund
Optional information (if not clear from work webpage):
- Career stage (graduate student/postdoc/lecturer)
- For graduate students: name of supervisor