There will be a workshop on the existence or non-existence of complex structures on the 6-sphere, held in Marburg, German, from March 27th to March 30th. More details can be found in the original announcement below.
The first “Marburger Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mathematik” (“MAM 1“) will take place in Marburg from Monday, March 27th to Thursday, March 30th, 2017.
During these days various results obtained in the last 30 years about the existence or non-existence of integrable complex structures on the 6-dimensional sphere will be discussed.
A detailed plan of the talks is available here.
Interested participants should register before January 15th, 2017, via the workshop webpage.
Participants should be in Marburg by March 27th around noon, since the first talk will be in the afternoon of March 27th. The MAM will end on March 30th before lunch.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund any travel or lodging expenses.
We kindly ask you to book your accommodation yourself; a list of possible accommodations in Marburg is available on our website.
Shortly after the registration deadline the talks will be distributed among the participants. We would therefore ask you to indicate at registration, about which topic (if any) you may be interested in giving a talk (possibly together with other participants). When the registration process is over we will prepare a list of speakers, according to participants’ feedback. For each topic there will be a contact person here in Marburg, to which you can refer in case of questions. Of course, it is also possible to participate without giving a talk.
We look forward to seeing you here in Marburg,
I. Agricola, G. Bazzoni, O. Goertsches, P. Konstantis and S. Rollenske