Nikon Kurnosov (Moscow) will speak in the geometry seminar on 10th November. The talk will be at 2pm in O8.08, 8th floor of building NO. Nikon’s title is Betti numbers of hyperkahler manifolds and his abstract follows. [Read more…]
François Charette seminar cancelled
The geometry seminar scheduled for Tuesday 24th November has been cancelled. The speaker would have been François Charette (Max Planck, Bonn). We hope to invite him to come another time. For interest, we keep his title and abstract here: Quantum Reidemeister torsion and open Gromov-Witten invariants. [Read more…]
Hugues Auvray to speak in the geometry seminar, 17/11/2015
Hugues Auvray (Orsay, Paris) will speak in the geometry seminar on Tuesday 17th November, 2015. The talk will take place in the Salle de profs (assuming the renovations are complete!) at 2pm. Hugue’s title is Extremal metrics of Poincaré type: asymptotic properties. His abstract follows. [Read more…]
Kirill Krasnov to speak in the geometry seminar, 5/11/2015
We will have an exceptional seminar, of interest to both geometers and physicists, on Thursday 5th November, at 2pm in room O8.08. The speaker will be Kirill Krasnov, and his title is A gauge theoretic formalism for gravity. His abstract follows. [Read more…]